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Common Reading 2021: Women Are Hit Harder By Climate Change by Jessica Wapner

Women Are Hit Harder By Climate Change. Here, They Are Starting To Fight Back — Jessica Wapner

In 1999, disaster struck Vietnam after Tropical Storm Eve dropped massive amounts of rain, leading to flooding that killed people, livestock, and wildlife. This article explores conservation efforts made by a group of local women to replant Mangrove trees that are crucial to the area. The effort helps to rejuvenate areas devastated by natural disaster and provides work opportunities for women. 

About the Author

Jessica Wapner is a science writer and editor. Her work covers themes of biomedicine, socio economic issues, and health. She has been published in the New Yorker, Wired, New York Times, Medium, Scientific American, The Atlantic, Slate, the Los Angeles Times, and many others. Previously she was the science editor for Newsweek.

Discussion Questions

1. In what ways are social justice and environmental justice related? 

Class Activity

Explore the on-going sustainability initiatives at SU. Make a plan for how you can incorporate those initiatives into your daily life. For example, locate the recycling center nearest to your room or identify projects you'd like to get involved in.

Introduction — Christiana Paradis

“The women of Thua Thien Hue were ready to rescue themselves.” A mantra all too familiar to women around the world since the invention and institutionalization of patriarchy. Despite being critical to the landscape of humanity women have consistently been cast aside and neglected in complex ways. Now as we approach a new era of climate change, one in which women are most susceptible to experiencing the damaging effects, women have taken up the banner to save our planet, our communities, and themselves.

In the news article below you will read about how a small group of women in Thua Thien Hue are adapting to save their community from the effects of climate change while simultaneously creating independent financial business opportunities. The United Nations and Project Drawdown have both concluded that contributing to gender equality is one of the most effective strategies for combating climate change. As you read consider the following questions: how does a more equitable society promote healthier communities and how can we all adapt to contribute to a more equitable society?

Susquehanna University Sustainability Map

Additional Resources

Read "Women are hit harder by climate change. Here, they are starting to fight back" on Mosaic.

Get Involved!

The SU Sustainability Office recognizes that a sustainable, vibrant and just planet begins on campus by minimizing the environmental impacts of our operations and cultivating a resilient community through our curricular and co-curricular experiences.

Learn more about SU's Sustainability Initiatives. 


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