Full-text for more than 200 journals; abstracts & indexing for many additional journals; includes some articles from encyclopedias and handbooks.and citations/abstracts of journal articles covering applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences.
Westlaw is an online legal research service for lawyers and legal professionals in the United States and the United Kingdom and is a product of Thomson Reuters. In addition, it provides proprietary database services. Information resources on Westlaw include more than 40,000 databases of case law, state and federal statutes, administrative codes, newspaper and magazine articles, public records, law journals, law reviews, treatises, legal forms and other information resources. -- Wikipedia
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Full text database of over 300 scholarly periodicals in the fields of literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, and many others. Access is also available in Electronic Collections Online via First Search.
This is the largest single periodical resource available, bringing together complete databases across all major subject areas, including Business, Health and Medical, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, and Humanities
Includes online access to over 3,000 ejournals and 100 ebooks, primarily in the areas of health & life, physical sciences and social & behavioral sciences.
ARTstor is a digital library of approximately 700,000 images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images.