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University Archives & Special Collections: Record Groups

The University Archives collects, preserves, and makes available the records of Susquehanna University that have historic value. This guide will help you discover, access and interpret historical information and images.

Understanding Archival Order

The records in the Archives are organized according to the person or organization which created the records, a concept known as provenance. In order to make sense of the many different collections, they are filed under Record Groups which reflect the structure of the university and its various departments. There are also record groups for other categories of records, like those donated by former students, faculty, or members of the community. You can think of the record groups as a little like an outline for a paper or book; they show you how it is going to be organized and what information will be put where. The Record Groups are structured to include all parts of the university, both as it is organized now and as it has been in the past, so that records can be added to it in future. It's important to note that just because a record group exists for an office or portion of the university does not mean that the Archives actually have records from the office (at least not yet!).

There are several different terms used to describe the smaller groups or collections of records, including records, collections, and papers. When used in titles in an archival context, these words have technical meanings as well as their common meanings. 

  • Records are, well, official records produced by the organization or its units in the course of its regular business - in this case, the offices of the university and its administration. 
  • Papers are records or other materials created or collected by an individual, such as the research collections of faculty members, or personal memorabilia from students and alumni.
  • Collections are artificially-created assemblages of material relating to a particular theme or topic. Typically, items in collections come from a variety of sources, and have been put together by the archives or donor rather than an individual or office. Examples in the Archives include the Postcard Collection (with postcards showing SU and the area), or the Candlelight Service Collection (which has programs from every Candlelight service held since they began in the 1960s, although obviously different people have been involved in managing the program, creating the programs, or saving and donating them to the Archives).

Record Groups

RG 0: Predecessor Institutions

Records from the Missionary Institute, Susquehanna Female College, and the Preparatory School and Academy.

RG 1: Governing Boards 

Records from the Susquehanna University Board of Trustees and its predecessor, the Susquehanna University Board of Directors.

RG 2: Office of the President

Records from the offices of individual presidents and their assistants, as well as those departments which fall directly under the president's office, including Athletics and the Chaplaincy.

RG 3: Academic Affairs

Records from the office of the provost, the faculty as a group, the registrar, the library, and the administration of the different schools and academic departments. Research, teaching, and personal records, or Papers, of individual faculty members are also included in this group.

RG 4: Student Life

Records from the Division of Student Life, including departments such as the Career Services, the Counseling Center and Health Center, Residence Life, Public Safety, and related departments.

RG 5: Administration and Planning

Records from the dean of Academic Services, and offices for development and communications.

RG 6: Finance

Records from the business offices, including the treasurer, campus bookstore, Aramark, and facilities maintenance.

RG 7: Student Activities

Records from student groups, including the Student Senate, fraternities and sororities, official clubs and organizations, and student-run publications.

RG 8: Campus Collections

Collections which relate to the campus as a whole rather than an specific office or person. Most of these collections were assembled over time and do not have a specific creator. They include information on campus buildings, photograph collections, and postcards of the university.

RG 9: Student and Alumni Collections

These collections or papers were donated by current and former students and alumni; most of the materials relate to the individuals' time at Susquehanna, but some include personal and business records from their later lives as well. They are organized by class year.

RG 10: Local and Regional Collections

These collections come from or relate to Selinsgrove and Snyder County more generally. They include information on local businesses, civic organizations, and churches, particularly Lutheran churches.

Record Group 0: Predecessor Institutions

0.1 Missionary Institute

0.1.1 Governing Boards Board of Managers of the Lutheran Missionary Institute Board of Directors of the Missionary Institute

0.1.2 President Benjamin Kurtz, 1858-1865 Henry Ziegler, 1865-1881 Peter Born, 1881-1893 Franklin Manhart, 1893-1895

0.1.3 Registrar

0.1.4 Treasurer

0.1.5 Classical Department

0.1.6 Theological Department


0.2 Susquehanna Female College

0.2.1 Board of Directors of the Susquehanna Female College


0.3 Preparatory School and Academy

Record Group 1: Governing Boards

1.1 Susquehanna University Board of Directors


1.2 Susquehanna University Board of Trustees

Record Group 2: Office of the President

2.0 Presidential Papers

2.0.01 Jonathan Rose Dimm, 1895-1899

2.0.02 Charles Heisler, 1899-1901 

2.0.03 George W. Enders, 1902-1904 

2.0.04 John Brown Focht, 1904-1905 

2.0.09 Charles Aikens, 1905-1927 

2.0.06 G. Morris Smith, 1928-1958 

2.0.07 Gustav W. Weber, 1959-1977

2.0.08 Jonathan Messerli, 1977-1984

2.0.09 Joel Cunningham, 1984-2001

2.0.10 Jay Lemons, 2001-2017

2.0.11 Jonathan D. Green, 2017-


2.1 Presidential Assistants

2.1.1 Assistant to the President

2.1.2 Chief of Staff


2.2 Athletics

2.2.00 Athletic Director and General Files

2.2.01 Baseball (Men)

2.2.02 Basketball (Men)

2.2.03 Basketball (Women)

2.2.04 Cross Country (Men)

2.2.05 Cross Country (Women)

2.2.06 Field Hockey

2.2.07 Football

2.2.08 Golf (Men)

2.2.09 Golf (Women)

2.2.10 Indoor Track (Men)

2.2.11 Indoor Track (Women)

2.2.12 Lacrosse (Men)

2.2.13 Lacrosse (Women)

2.2.14 Soccer (Men)

2.2.15 Soccer (Women)

2.2.16 Softball

2.2.17 Swimming (Men)

2.2.18 Swimming (Women)

2.2.19 Tennis (Men)

2.2.20 Tennis (Women)

2.2.21 Track (Men)

2.2.22 Track (Women)

2.2.23 Volleyball (Women)

2.2.24 Wrestling

2.2.25 Intercollegiate Sports (Crew)

2.2.26 Intramurals

2.2.27 Club Sports

2.2.28 Campus Recreation

Record Group 3: Academic Affairs

3.0 Office of the Provost

3.0.1 Provost & Dean of the Faculty

3.0.2 Curriculum Committee

3.0.3 Academic Standing Committee Minutes


3.1 Faculty

            3.1.1 Faculty Governance (includes minutes, handbook)

            3.1.2 Faculty Members’ Papers

            3.1.3 Faculty Records

            3.1.4 Committee on Faculty Scholarship

            3.1.5 Committee on Faculty Elections

            3.1 AAUP


3.2 Office of the Registrar


3.3 Arts, Humanities and Communications

(includes former Dean of Arts & Sciences collections)

3.3.0 Dean of Arts, Humanities, and Communications

3.3.1 Art

3.3.2 Communications and Theatre

3.3.3 Education

3.3.4 English and Creative Writing (includes Writer’s Institute)

3.3.5 History

3.3.6 Modern Languages

3.3.7 Music

3.3.8 Philosophy, Religion and Classical Studies


3.4 Natural and Social Sciences

            3.4.0 Dean of Natural and Social Sciences

3.4.1 Biology

3.4.2 Chemistry

3.4.3 Environmental and Geological Sciences

3.4.4 Mathematical Sciences

3.4.5 Physics

3.4.6 Political Science

3.4.7 Psychology

3.4.8 Sociology and Anthropology


3.5 Sigmund Weis School of Business

            3.5.0 Dean of Business

3.5.1 Accounting and Information Systems

3.5.2 Economics

3.5.3 Management


3.6 Office of Continuing Education


3.7 Blough-Weis Library

3.7.0 Director Blough-Weis Library

3.7.1 Associate Director of B-W Library

3.7.2 Acquisitions Coordinator

3.7.3 Systems Librarian

3.7.4 Cataloging

3.7.5 Reference Services

3.7.6 Public Services

3.7.7 Periodicals

3.7.8 Instructional Technology/Media

3.7.9 Tutorial Services


3.8 Computing Services (Chief Information Officer)

3.8.0 Director of Information Technology

3.8.1 Asst Director for Information Technology

3.8.2 Manager of Software Support


3.9 Interdisciplinary Studies

3.9.1 Honors Program

3.9.2 Film Studies

3.9.4 Diversity Studies


3.10 Fine Arts

3.10.1 Lore Degenstein Art Gallery

3.10.2 Artist Series


3.11 Theses & Dissertations



3.12 GO Program



3.13 Arlin Adams Center

Record Group 4: Student Life Office (and departments)

4.0 Division of Student Life


4.1 Campus Center


4.2 Career Services


4.3 Counseling Center/Health Center


4.4 First Year Programs


4.5 Office of Multicultural Affairs


4.6 Public Safety


4.7 Residence Life


4.8 Technical Services


4.9 Volunteer Programs

Record Group 5: Office of Administration & Planning

5.0 Executive VP of Administration and Planning


5.1 Dean of Academic Services

5.1.1 Admissions

5.1.2 Financial Aid


5.2 VP of Advancement

5.2.1 Susquehanna University Fund

5.2.2 Corporate and Foundation Support

5.2.3 Development

5.2.4 Major and Planned Gift Programs

5.2.5 Alumni Relations

5.2.6 PR & Publications


5.3 Communications

5.3.1 Publications & Media Relations

5.3.2 Web Communications

5.3.3 Creative Services & Graphic Design

Record Group 6: Office of Finance (formerly Office of the Treasurer)

6.1 VP of Finance

6.1.1 Asst. Treasurer

6.1.2 Controller

6.1.3 Human Resources/Risk Management

(Human Resources records held in HR)

6.1.4 Facilities Management


6.2 Business Office


6.3 Campus Bookstore


6.4 Aramark


6.5 Central Receiving/Campus Mail


6.6 Physical Plant

Record Group 7: Student Activities

7.0 SGA/Student Senate


7.1 Clubs and Organizations


7.2 Greek life


7.3 Student-Run Publications

Record Group 8: Campus Collections

Record Group 9: Student & Alumni Collections

Record Group 10: Local & Regional Collections 


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514 University Avenue

Selinsgrove, PA 17870 | 570.372.4160

Susquehanna University


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