Reference Page Format
Reference Page Example
1. Read the sample passage.
2. Summarize the paragraph in your own words.
3. Add an APA in-text citation to your paraphrase.
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Sample Passage from page 118 of the article:
Blackwell, W., & Stockall, N. (2021). Incidental teaching of conversational skills for students with autism spectrum disorder. Teaching Exceptional Children, 54(2), 116–123.
Incidental teaching comprises interactions between an adult or peer and a student that occur naturally in everyday situations. The adult or peer uses these interactions to transmit information or assist the student toward development of a targeted skill (Kamps et al., 2017). In particular, incidental teaching has been demonstrated to be an effective strategy for improving social communication skills (Rittenhouse-Cea & Cho, 2019). Whenever the student shows an interest in something within the environment, that interest becomes the context for teaching. The teacher structures the environment around the preferences of the student and uses the student’s preferences to trigger a request or initiation of social communication. Comments and questions from the student can also begin an incidental teaching moment. For example, in the opening vignette about Douglas, his interest was insects. Using an incidental teaching episode, insects become the topic and this provides an opportunity for the teacher or adult to teach new pragmatic language skills.
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