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Friends of the Blough-Weis Library: Dalton Scholars

The Library Committee and Blough-Weis Library celebrated the 2024 Dalton Scholars on Thursday, April 25, at 11:35 AM in the Degenstein Center's Benjamin Apple Meeting Rooms 3-5. This year's Dalton Scholars are:

Lexie Kauffman, I’m A Flirt Rapist: How the Music Industry and Song Lyrics Perpetuate Gender-Based Violence 

Madison Dennehey, Intratext und Empathie: Die Sage von Prinzessin Kagran in Ingeborg Bachmanns Roman Malina 

Riko Weidman, Water Maze Navigation Using Visual Landmarks in the Wolf Spider Tigrosa Helluo

Three students stand holding their Dalton Scholar Awards












Photo by Ryan Ake


No Dalton Scholars were named in 2023

The Fall 2019 Sandwiches & Scholarship Series featuring student research presentations took place on October 15 in the library classroom. Thanks to the generosity of the Friends, certificates of scholarship and an honorarium were presented to three Dalton Scholars. Shown from left to right are Eden Parks '21, Sami Zain (Grade 9, Selinsgrove High School) and Sana Ahmed '20. The event was live streamed on the library Facebook page with over 190 viewers joining in.

The Spring 2019 Sandwiches & Scholarship Series featuring student research presentations took place on Tuesday, March 19 in the Library classroom. Thanks to the generosity of the Friends, certificates of scholarship and an honorarium were presented to four Dalton Scholars. Shown from left to right are Christine Hill '21, Abigail Antoine '21, Jeremy Kozich '19 and Julie Vincent '19.  "The ability to present my research at Dalton Scholars allowed me to pull everything I learned about being an entrepreneur in one presentation. After finishing it was truly a feeling of gratification and accomplishment." said Jeremy Kozich. Christine Hill also expressed, "This experience was so full of pure appreciation and recognition from Susquehanna staff and faculty, which was such a good feeling as a student."

The Fall 2018 Sandwiches & Scholarship Series featuring student research presentations took place on Tuesday, October 23 in the Library classroom. Thanks to the generosity of the Friends, certificates of scholarship and an honorarium were presented to five Dalton Scholars. Shown from left to right are Kaitlyn McMullen '21, Nicole Grace '21, Brianna Watson '20, Kathleen Dalton, Madyson Brown '19 and Laura Long '19. One of the recipients, Laura Long, said "Presenting at Dalton Scholars was an opportunity to share our findings, and being in front of professors and students outside of the Education Department allowed us to think further into our research and answer questions we may not have thought about otherwise."

Our popular Sandwiches and Scholarship Series featuring student research took place on April 10. Thanks to the generosity of the Friends, we were able to recognize students and award a monetary prize in honor of the series' founder, librarian emerita Kathleen Dalton (shown center). A Certificate of Scholarship and honorarium were presented on behalf of the Friends to Savannah J. Carlson '19 (missing from photo), Shanon-Imani Benjamin '19 (shown right) and Zaida Bryant '19 (shown left). Bryant, a junior at Susquehanna, expressed her appreciation for being part of the first-time event “I was honored to be named a Dalton Scholar and I enjoyed hearing other students' research."

About the Event

Kathleen Dalton at the first Dalton Scholar event on April 10, 2018. 

Blough-Weis Library’s annual Dalton Scholars event (formerly known as Sandwiches and Scholars) offers students the opportunity to present their research to an audience of interested students, staff, and faculty. The Dalton Scholar awards were launched in spring 2018 to recognize the exceptional scholarly work of our students. Named in honor of librarian emerita Kathleen Dalton, they are presented each spring. Beginning in 2024, one Dalton Scholar will be selected each year from the School of the Arts / School of Humanities, the School of Natural and Social Sciences, and the Sigmund Weis School of Business. Thanks to the generosity of the Friends of the Blough-Weis Library, each student receives a monetary prize in addition to a certificate of scholarship.


First Dalton Scholar Event: Live Stream

Dalton Scholar Live Stream Fall 2019


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