Print QR codes to give to each student. When you want to take a poll your students get out the QR and hold it up facing the direction (ABCD) of their answer. You scan the room (even a large room) with your phone and the student answers will appear on the board or on your computer. This can be anonymous. You set up the questions and classroom before class.
Tip: if you are only doing polls, there is no need to enter student names in the roster. This is an alternative to Mentimeter or PollEverywhere
Cost: free for up to five questions at a time
Use this guide to find free and low-cost texts and other teaching resources to save your students money while maintaining high quality
Want to ensure that your students are using high-quality sources in their research? Consider embedding a subject-specific research guide in your Blackboard course. The list of guides and instructions for embedding are above.
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