Term | Definition |
Abstract | A summary or brief description of the content of another longer work. An abstract is often provided along with the citation to a work. |
Archives | 1. A space which houses historical or public records. 2. The historical or public records themselves, which are generally non-circulating materials such as collections of personal papers, rare books, ephemera, etc. |
Article | A brief work—generally between 1 and 35 pages in length—on a topic. Often published as part of a journal, magazine, or newspaper. |
Authentication | A security process that typically employs usernames and passwords to validate the identity of users before allowing them access to certain information. |
Author | The person(s) or organization(s) that wrote or compiled a document. Looking for information under its author's name is one option in searching. |
Bibliography | A list containing citations to the resources used in writing a research paper or other document. See also Reference. |
Boolean operator | A word—such as AND, OR, or NOT—that commands a computer to combine search terms. Helps to narrow (AND, NOT) or broaden (OR) searches. |
Browser | A software program that enables users to access Internet resources. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox are all browsers. |
Call number | A group of letters and/or numbers that identifies a specific item in a library and provides a way for organizing library holdings. Three major types of call numbers are Dewey Decimal, Library of Congress, and Superintendent of Documents. |
Catalog | A database (either online or on paper cards) listing and describing the books, journals, government documents, audiovisual and other materials held by a library. Various search terms allow you to look for items in the catalog. |
Chat | A type of communication from person to person through typed messages, via computer or mobile device. |
Check-out | To borrow an item from a library for a fixed period of time in order to read, listen to, or view it. Check-out periods vary by library. Items are checked out at the circulation desk. |
Circulation | The place in the library, often a desk, where you check out, renew, and return library materials. You may also place a hold, report an item missing from the shelves, or pay late fees or fines there. |
Citation | A reference to a book, magazine or journal article, or other work containing all the information necessary to identify and locate that work. A citation to a book includes its author's name, title, publisher and place of publication, and date of publication. |
Controlled vocabulary | Standardized terms used in searching a specific database. |
Course management system (CMS) | Integrated online applications that allow users to view and complete class materials and post messages, which facilitate discussion beyond the classroom. Also referred to as a “Learning Management System” or “Course Management Software.” |
Course reserve | Select books, articles, videotapes, or other materials that instructors want students to read or view for a particular course. These materials are usually kept in one area of the library and circulate for only a short period of time. See also Electronic reserve. |
Database | A collection of information stored in an electronic format that can be searched by a computer. |
Descriptor | A word that describes the subject of an article or book; used in many computer databases. |
Dissertation | An extended written treatment of a subject (like a book) submitted by a graduate student as a requirement for a doctorate. |
Document delivery | A service that retrieves or photocopies information sources for library users. Some libraries restrict document delivery services to distance education students, faculty members, or graduate students. |
DOI | Acronym for Digital Object Identifier. It is a unique alphanumeric string assigned by the publisher to a digital object. |
Download | 1. To transfer information from a computer to a program or storage device to be viewed at a later date. 2. To transfer information from one computer to another computer using a modem. |
E-book (or Electronic book) | An electronic version of a book that can be read on a computer or mobile device. |
Editor | A person or group responsible for compiling the writings of others into a single information source. Looking for information under the editor's name is one option in searching. |
Electronic reserve (or E-reserve) | An electronic version of a course reserve that is read on a computer display screen. See also Course reserve. |
Encyclopedia | A work containing information on all branches of knowledge or treating comprehensively a particular branch of knowledge (such as history or chemistry). Often has entries or articles arranged alphabetically. |
Hardware | The physical and electronic components of a computer system, such as the monitor, keyboard and mouse. Hardware works in conjunction with software. |
High speed access | Refers to the speed and efficiency of an Internet connection— which determines how long Web users must wait for a particular Web site to load, or appear on their computer, after they click on a link to it. High speed access is usually achieved by using a DSL line (digital subscriber line) or a cable modem to connect to the Web, as opposed to a dial-up line which results in a slower connection speed. |
Hold | A request to have an item saved (put aside) to be picked up later. Holds can generally be placed on any regularly circulating library material in-person or online. |
Holdings | The materials owned by a library. |
Hyperlink | An image or a portion of text which a Web user can click to jump to another document or page on the Web. Textual hyperlinks are often underlined and appear as a different color than the majority of the text on a Web page. |
Icon | A small symbol on a computer screen that represents a computer operation or data file. |
Index | 1. A list of names or topics—usually found at the end of a publication—that directs you to the pages where those names or topics are discussed within the publication. 2. A printed or electronic publication that provides references to periodical articles or books by their subject, author, or other search terms. |
Interlibrary services/loan | A service that allows you to borrow materials from other libraries through your own library. See also Document delivery. |
Journal | A publication, issued on a regular basis, which contains scholarly research published as articles, papers, research reports, or technical reports. See also Periodical. |
Keyword | A significant or memorable word or term in the title, abstract, or text of an information resource that indicates its subject and is often used as a search term. |
Learning management system | See Course management system. |
Limits/limiters | Options used in searching that restrict your results to only information resources meeting certain other, non-subject-related, criteria. Limiting options vary by database, but common options include limiting results to materials available full-text in the database, to scholarly publications, to materials written in a particular language, to materials available in a particular location, or to materials published at a specific time. |
Link | See Hyperlink. |
Magazine | A publication, issued on a regular basis, containing popular articles, written and illustrated in a less technical manner than the articles found in a journal. |
Microform | A reduced sized photographic reproduction of printed information on reel to reel film (microfilm) or film cards (microfiche) or opaque pages that can be read with a microform reader/printer. |
Modem | A device that connects a PC to the Internet and converts digital signals from the computer to a form that can be sent using a voice (analog sound signal) telephone line and vice versa. |
Mouse | A device that allows the user to move and click the cursor on a computer screen for different functions. |
Multimedia | Any information resource that presents information using more than one media (print, picture, audio, or video). |
Newspaper | A publication containing information about varied topics that are pertinent to general information, a geographic area, or a specific subject matter (i.e. business, culture, education). Often published daily. |
Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) | A computerized database that can be searched in various ways— such as by keyword, author, title, subject, or call number— to find out what resources a library owns. OPAC’s will supply listings of the title, call number, author, location, and description of any items matching one's search. Also referred to as “library catalog” or “online catalog.” |
A file format developed by Adobe Acrobat® that allows files to be transmitted from one computer to another while retaining their original appearance both on-screen and when printed. An acronym for Portable Document Format. | |
Peer-reviewed journal | Peer review is a process by which editors have experts in a field review books or articles submitted for publication by the experts’ peers. Peer review helps to ensure the quality of an information source. A peer-reviewed journal is also called a refereed journal or scholarly journal. |
Periodical | An information source published in multiple parts at regular intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, biannually). Journals, magazines, and newspapers are all periodicals. See also Serial. |
Permalink | A link that will return you to the same page every time you click the link. |
Plagiarism | Using the words or ideas of others without acknowledging the original source. |
Primary source | An original record of events, such as a diary, a newspaper article, a public record, or scientific documentation. |
The written symbols of a language as portrayed on paper. Information sources may be either print or electronic. | |
Proxy server | An Internet server that acts as a “go-between” for a computer on a local network (secure system) and the open Web. Often checks to determine “right of access” to the secure environment and speeds up requests by caching frequently accessed Web pages. Can also act as a firewall. See also Authentication. |
Publisher | An entity or company that produces and issues books, journals, newspapers, or other publications. |
QR code | Abbreviation for Quick Response code. A two-dimensional bar code that is made of small squares in a unique pattern. QR codes allow users to connect to additional resources through mobile devices. |
Recall | A request for the return of library material before the due date. |
Reference | 1. A service that helps people find needed information. 2. Sometimes "reference" refers to reference collections, such as encyclopedias, indexes, handbooks, directories, etc. 3. A citation to a work is also known as a reference. |
Remote access | The ability to log onto (or access) networked computer resources from a distant location. Remote access makes available library databases to students researching from home, office, or other locations outside the library. See also Authentication. |
Renewal | An extension of the loan period for library materials. |
Reserve | 1. A service providing special, often short-term, access to course-related materials (book or article readings, lecture notes, sample tests) or to other materials (CD-ROMs, audio-visual materials, current newspapers or magazines). 2. Also the physical location—often a service desk or room—within a library where materials on reserve are kept. Materials can also be made available electronically. See also Course reserve, Electronic reserve. |
Scholarly journal | See Peer-reviewed journal. |
Search statement/Search Query | Words entered into the search box of a database or search engine when looking for information. Words relating to an information source's author, editor, title, subject heading or keyword serve as search terms. Search terms can be combined by using Boolean operators and can also be used with limits/limiters. |
Secondary sources |
Materials such as books and journal articles that analyze primary sources. Secondary sources usually provide evaluation or interpretation of data or evidence found in original research or documents such as historical manuscripts or memoirs. |
Serial | Publications such as journals, magazines and newspapers that are generally published multiple times per year, month, or week. Serials usually have number volumes and issues. |
Software | The programs installed on and used by the components of a computer system (or, hardware). |
Stacks | Shelves in the library where materials—typically books—are stored. Books in the stacks are normally arranged by call number. May be referred to as “book stacks.” |
Style manual | An information source providing guidelines for people who are writing research papers. A style manual outlines specific formats for arranging research papers and citing the sources that are used in writing the paper. |
Subject heading | Descriptions of an information source’s content assigned to make finding information easier. See also Controlled vocabulary, Descriptors. |
Title | The name of a book, article, or other information source. |
Upload | To transfer information from a computer system or a personal computer to another computer system or a larger computer system. |
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) | The unique address for a Web page which is used in citing it. A URL consists of the access protocol (http), the domain name (www.nmsu.edu), and often the path to a file or resource residing on that server. |
User ID | A number or name unique to a particular user of computerized resources. A user ID must often be entered in order to access library resources remotely. |
Virtual reference | A service allowing library users to ask questions through email, text message, or live-chat as opposed to coming to the reference desk at the library and asking a question in person. Also referred to as “online reference” or “e-reference.” |
Zip drive/zip disk | Devices used in the creation of compressed (or “zipped”) electronic information. |
English Term | Arabic Term | Arabic Definition |
Abstract | ملخص | |
Archives | الأرشيف | |
Article | مقالة | |
Authentication | تصديق | |
Author | الكاتب | |
Bibliography | المراجع | |
Boolean operator | نظام بوليان | |
Browser | المتصفح | |
Call number | رقم الكتاب | |
Catalog | القائمة | |
Chat | المحادثة | |
Check-out | إستعارة الكتاب | |
Circulation | تداول | |
Citation | مرجع | |
Controlled vocabulary | اللغة المقيدة | |
Course management system (CMS) | نظام إدارة المناهج | |
Course reserve | محجوز للمادة الدراسية | |
Database | قاعدة البيانات | |
Descriptor | واصف | |
Dissertation | بحث التخر ج | |
Document delivery | تسليم الوثائق | |
DOI | معرف الكينونة الرقمي | |
Download | تحميل | |
E-book (or Electronic book) | الكتاب الإلكتروني | |
Editor | المحرر | |
Electronic reserve (or E-reserve) |
المحجوزة للمادة الدراسية النسخة الإلكترونية |
Encyclopedia | موسوعة | |
Hardware | الهاردوير | |
High speed access | االنترنيت السريع | |
Hold | تجميد سجل الطالب | |
Holdings | المحتويات | |
Hyperlink | هايبرلنك\وصل | |
Icon | رمز | |
Index | فهرس | |
Interlibrary services/loan |
أخرى خدمات الستعارة من مكاتب |
Journal | المجلة الأكاديمية | |
Keyword | كلمة البحث | |
Learning management system | نظام إدارة التعليم | |
Limits/limiters | تحديد | |
Link | رابط | |
Magazine | مجلة | |
Microform | مايكروفورم | |
Modem | مودم | |
Mouse | فأرة الحاسوب | |
Multimedia |
(بالحاسوب المرتبطة) |
Newspaper | جريدة | |
Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) | فهرس الكتروني | |
ملفات ال PDF | ||
Peer-reviewed Journal | دوريات أكاديمية | |
Periodical |
مطبوعة دوريات أكاديمية و |
Permalink | الرابط لدائم | |
Plagiarism | سرقة أدبية | |
Primary source | المصدر الرئيسي | |
طباعة | ||
Proxy server | خدمة البروكسي | |
Publisher | الناشر | |
QR code |
ةال سري ع االس تجابة كود |
Recall | سترجاع | |
Reference | مراجع | |
Remote access | ريموت أكسس (VPN) | |
Renewal | تجديد | |
Reserve | محجوز | |
Scholarly journal | المجلة العلمية | |
Search statement / search query | جملة البحث | |
Secondary sources | مصادر الثانوية | |
Serial | متسلسل | |
Software | برامج | |
Stacks | مجموعة | |
Style manual | دليل كتابة المراجع | |
Subject heading | عنوان الموضوع | |
Title | عنوان | |
Upload | تحميل | |
Uniform resource locator (URL) | عنوان الويب | |
User ID | إسم المستخدم | |
Virtual reference | مصدر الكتروني | |
Zip drive / zip disk | وسيط تخزين |
English Term | Chinese Term | Chinese Definition |
Abstract | 提要 | |
Archives | 档案 | |
Article | 文章 | |
Authentication | 验证 | |
Author | 作者 | |
Bibliography | 书目 | |
Boolean operator | 布尔逻辑运算符 | |
Browser | 浏览器 | |
Call number | 索书号 | |
Catalog | 目录 | |
Chat | 聊天 | |
Check-out | 借出 | |
Circulation | 流通服务 | |
Citation | 引文 | |
Controlled vocabulary | 规范词汇 | |
Course management system (CMS) | 课程管理系统 | |
Course reserve | 程指定教课材 | |
Database | 数据库 | |
Descriptor | 叙词 | |
Dissertation | 博士论文 | |
Document delivery | 文献传递 | |
DOI | 数字对象表示符 | |
Download | 下载 | |
E-book (or Electronic book) | 电子书 | |
Editor | 编者 | |
Electronic reserve (or E-reserve) | 电子指定教材 | |
Encyclopedia | 百科全书 | |
Hardware | 硬件 | |
High speed access | 高速访问 | |
Hold | 暂存 | |
Holdings | 馆藏 | |
Hyperlink | 超级连接 | |
Icon | 图像执行标志 | |
Index | 索引 | |
Interlibrary services/loan | 馆际互借 | |
Journal | 期刊 | |
Keyword | 关键词 | |
Learning management system | 学习管理系统 | |
Limits/limiters | 限借 | |
Link | 链接 | |
Magazine | 杂志 | |
Microform | 微缩形式 | |
Modem | 调制解调器 | |
Mouse | 鼠标 | |
Multimedia | 多媒体 | |
Newspaper | 报纸 | |
Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) | 联机目录 | |
便携文档 格式 |
Peer-reviewed Journal | 同级评审的 | |
Periodical | 连续出版物 | |
Permalink | 固定链接 | |
Plagiarism | 抄袭 | |
Primary source | 原始资料 | |
印刷体 | ||
Proxy server | 代理服务器 | |
Publisher | 出版人 | |
QR code | QR 代码 | |
Recall | 催还 | |
Reference | 参考咨询 | |
Remote access | 远程访问 | |
Renewal | 续借 | |
Reserve |
预存 或 预约借书 |
Scholarly journal | 学术的 | |
Search statement / search query | 检索步骤 | |
Secondary sources | ||
Serial | 期刊 | |
Software | 软件 | |
Stacks | 书架 | |
Style manual | 标准手册 | |
Subject heading | 主题 | |
Title | 书名 | |
Upload | 上传 | |
Uniform resource locator (URL) | 统一资源定位器 | |
User ID | 用户名 | |
Virtual reference | 虛擬參考咨詢 | |
Zip drive / zip disk | Zip 驱动器 |
English Term | Japanese Term | Japanese Definition |
Abstract | 概要 | |
Archives | アーカイブ | |
Article | 記事 | |
Authentication | 認証 | |
Author | 著者 | |
Bibliography |
文献目録, 参考文献 |
Boolean operator | ブール演算子 | |
Browser | ブラウザ | |
Call number | 請求番号 | |
Catalog | カタログ | |
Chat | チャット | |
Check-out | 借出 | |
Circulation |
貸出カウンター, 貸出窓口 |
Citation | 引用文献 | |
Controlled vocabulary | 統制語彙 | |
Course management system (CMS) | コースマネジメントシステム | |
Course reserve |
コースリザーブ, リザーブブック 予約が必要な本 |
Database | データベース | |
Descriptor |
ディスクリプタ 記述者 |
Dissertation | 博士論文 | |
Document delivery |
ドキュメントデリバリー, 文献複写サービス |
DOIコード デジタルオブジェクト識別子 |
Download | ダウンロード | |
E-book (or Electronic book) | 電子書籍 | |
Editor | 編集者 | |
Electronic reserve (or E-reserve) |
電子リザーブ 電子予約 |
Encyclopedia | 百科事典 | |
Hardware | ハードウェア | |
High speed access | 高速アクセス | |
Hold | 取り置き | |
Holdings | 蔵書 | |
Hyperlink | ハイパーリンク | |
Icon | アイコン | |
Index | 索引 | |
Interlibrary services/loan | 図書館間相互貸借 | |
Journal | ジャーナル | |
Keyword | キーワード | |
Learning management system | ラーニングマネジメントシステム (学習管理システム | |
Limits/limiters |
検察フィルタ, 詳細検索 |
Link | リンク | |
Magazine | 雑誌 | |
Microform | マイクロフィルム | |
Modem | モデム | |
Mouse | マウス | |
Multimedia | マルチメディア | |
Newspaper | 新聞 | |
Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) | オンラインカタログ | |
Peer-reviewed journal | 査読ジャーナル | |
Periodical | 定期刊行物 | |
Permalink |
パーマリンク 固定リンク |
Plagiarism |
盗作, 剽窃 |
Primary source | 一次資料 | |
印刷物 | ||
Proxy server | プロキシ・サーバ | |
Publisher | 出版社 | |
QR code | QR コード | |
Recall | リコール | |
Reference | 参照 | |
Remote access |
遠隔アクセス, リモートアクセス |
Renewal | 更新 | |
Reserve |
リザーブ, リザーブブック 予約 |
Scholarly journal | 学術ジャーナル | |
Search statement/Search Query |
キーワード, フリーワード, 検索ワード |
Secondary sources | 二次資料 | |
Serial |
逐次刊行物 連載小説 連載刊行物 |
Software | ソフトウェア | |
Stacks | 書架 | |
Style manual | 書式マニュアル, スタイルガイド | |
Subject heading | 件名 | |
Title | タイトル | |
Upload | アップロード | |
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) | URL | |
User ID |
ユーザ登録名, 登録利用者ID |
Virtual reference |
オンラインレファレンス, バーチャルレファレンス 仮想基準 |
Zip drive/zip disk | ZIPドライブ |
English Term | Korean Term | Korean Definition |
Abstract | 초록 | |
Archives | 문서 | |
Article | 기사 | |
Authentication | 인증 | |
Author | 저자 | |
Bibliography | 참고문헌 | |
Boolean operator | 불리안 연산자 | |
Browser | 브라우저 | |
Call number | 청구기호 | |
Catalog | 도서목록 | |
Chat | 채팅 | |
Check-out | 대출 | |
Circulation | 대출대 | |
Citation | 인용문헌/
_______ ________ 참고문헌 |
Controlled vocabulary | 통제어휘집 | |
Course management system (CMS) | 강의관리 시스템 | |
Course reserve | 지정도서 | |
Database | 데이터베이스 | |
Descriptor | 디스크립터 | |
Dissertation | 학위논문 | |
Document delivery |
상호대출 (문서배달) |
디지털 객채 식별자 |
Download |
내려받기 (다운로드) |
E-book (or Electronic book) | 전자도서 | |
Editor | 편집자 | |
Electronic reserve (or E-reserve) | E-지정도서 | |
Encyclopedia | 백과사전 | |
Flash drive | 스마트카드 | |
Hardware | 하드웨어 | |
High speed access |
초고속 인터넷 접속 |
Hold | 대출중 도서 예약 | |
Holdings | 소장자료 | |
Hyperlink | 하이퍼링크 | |
Icon | 아이콘 | |
Index | 색인 | |
Interlibrary services/loan | 상호대차업무 | |
Journal | 연속 간행 학술지 | |
Keyword | 키워드 | |
Learning management system | 학습관리 시스템 | |
Limits/limiters | 제한자 | |
Link | 하이퍼링크 | |
Magazine | 잡지 | |
Microform |
마이크로폼 (마이크로필름형 식) |
Modem | 모뎀 | |
Mouse | 마우스 | |
Multimedia | 멀티미디어 | |
Newspaper | 신문 | |
Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) | 온라인 도서목록 | |
Peer-reviewed journal | 논문 심사 학술지 | |
Periodical | 정기간행물 | |
Permalink | 블로그 바로가기 | |
Plagiarism | 표절 | |
Primary source | 일차자료 | |
인쇄 | ||
Proxy server | 프럭시서버 | |
Publisher | 출판사 | |
QR code | QR 코드 | |
Recall | 반납요청 | |
Reference |
(참고자료) ________ _______ 정보지원 |
Remote access | 원격접속 | |
Renewal | 대출연장 | |
Reserve | 지정도서 | |
Scholarly journal | 학술지 | |
Search statement/Search Query | 검색어 | |
Secondary sources | 이차자료 | |
Serial | 정기간행물 | |
Software | 소프트웨어 | |
Stacks | 서고 | |
Style manual | 논문기고형식 | |
Subject heading | 주제어/주제명 | |
Title | 서명 | |
Upload | 올려주기 (파일보내기) (업로드) | |
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) | 인터넷주소 (웹주소) | |
User ID | 이용자 아이디 (사용자 이름) | |
Virtual reference | 온라인 참고 봉사 | |
Zip drive/zip disk | 집드라이브/ 집 디스크 |
English Term | Spanish Term | Spanish Definition |
Abstract | resumen | |
Archives | archivos | |
Article | artículo | |
Attachment | archivo; adjunto | |
Authentication |
autentificación; autenticación |
Author | autor | |
Bibliography | bibliografía | |
Boolean operator |
operadores booleanos |
Browser | navegador | |
Call number | clasificación | |
Catalog | catálogo | |
Chat | chat; charlar | |
Check-out | circulación | |
Citation | cita bibliográfica; referencia | |
Controlled vocabulary | vocabulario controlado | |
Course management system (CMS) | plataforma de teleformación; sistema virtual de gestión de cursos | |
Course reserve | reserva de curso | |
Database | bases de datos | |
Descriptor | descriptor | |
Dissertation | disertación; tesis | |
Document delivery | petición de documentos; transferencia de documentos; acceso a los documentos | |
DOI | identificador de objeto digital | |
Download | descargar; grabar; hacer una copia; copiar de | |
E-book (or Electronic book) | libro electrónico | |
Editor | editor | |
Electronic reserve (or E-reserve) | reserva electronica | |
Encyclopedia | enciclopedia | |
Hardware | equipo informático | |
High speed access | acceso alta velocidad | |
Hold | reserva | |
Holdings | fondos bibliográficos; colección | |
Hyperlink | hiperenlace; enlace | |
Icon | icono; símbolo | |
Index | índice | |
Interlibrary services/loan | servicios interbibliotecarios; servicios de préstamo de libros interbibliotecario | |
Journal | revista científica | |
Keyword | palabra clave | |
Learning management system | sistema gestionar de aprendizaje | |
Limits/limiters | operadores de limitación o filtración | |
Link | ligas; vínculos; enlaces | |
Magazine | revista | |
Microform | microforme | |
Modem | módem | |
Mouse | ratón | |
Multimedia |
multimedia |
Newspaper | periódico | |
Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) | catálogo en línea | |
formato de documento portable | ||
Peer-reviewed Journal | publicación arbitrada | |
Periodical |
publicaciones periódicas |
Permalink | enlace permanente | |
Plagiarism | plagio | |
Primary source | fuentes primarias | |
imprimir | ||
Proxy server | servidor intermediario; servidor proxy | |
Publisher | editor | |
QR code | código QR | |
Recall | reclamar | |
Reference | sección de referencia | |
Remote access | conexión remota | |
Renewal | renovación de préstamo | |
Reserve | reserva; reservar | |
Scholarly journal | publicación arbitrada; publicación académica | |
Search statement; search query | búsqueda computarizada | |
Secondary sources | fuentes secundarias | |
Serial | serie; publicación seriada; publicación periódica | |
Software | programas informáticos | |
Stacks | estantería; estantes; grupo de estanterías; estanterías adosadas | |
Style manual | manual de estilo | |
Subject heading | encabezamiento de materia | |
Title | título | |
Upload | subir; cargar; copiar a | |
Uniform resource locator (URL) | Localizador Uniforme de Recursos | |
User ID | nombre de usuario | |
Virtual reference | referencia virtual; servicio de consulta por internet | |
Zip drive / zip disk | unidades ZIP; discos ZIP |
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