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International Studies Research Guide: Cite It

How to Make Citations & Bibliographies

First, choose a style:

Use the style your professor requires, or choose one commonly used in your subject area:

MLA Style- English/Humanities

APA Style - Social Sciences

Chicago -

      Notes & Bibliographies Style - History/Humanities

      Author-Date Style - Sciences

Or find additional guides at Citing Your Work at Information Literacy. Print sources are listed at Other Styles

Then, save time with: 

      Citation Shortcuts      

Formatting Hanging Indents     

Inserting Page Numbers or Running Head 

Image: Web by Images by John 'K' 
made available by CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 License.                  

Why Cite?

Citation rules can seem complicated, especially at first, so why cite?

  • Citation is all about acknowledging who created the ideas and language in a research paper or assignment--are they your ideas or someone else's?
  • Citation is part of academic honesty and is required as part of the "SU Code of Student Conduct," which can be found SU Student Handbook.
  • Citation is necessary to avoid the negative effects of plagiarism.  Here are some real world examples of plagiarism's consequences:

American Political Science Association

SU's Political Science department has compiled information for writing, citing and presenting research in Political Science classes. Please refer to this document for any information on proper citations in APSA format.

following document includes hints for writing good papers and making strong
presentations in political science as well as
our citation guide.
Students should use the
guide for all papers they write
in political science courses,
unless told otherwise by their

following document includes hints for writing good papers and making strong
presentations in political science as well as
our citation guide.
Students should use the
guide for all papers they write
in political science courses,
unless told otherwise by their

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Image: Morninglight by enneafive made available via CC BY 2.0 license.


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